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Signature Program
497$First class access for only $497Valid for 13 months- Access to your Signature Program ($997 value)
- BONUS: Full access to Video Ladder Resources ($997 value)
- BONUS: Live Monthly Training on Video Tactics ($2,997 value)
- BONUS: Access to Camera Comfort Challenge ($197 value)
- Weekly newsletter w/ content ideas, media tips, & more
- Email support
- FULL VALUE: $5,088
- You only pay: $497
Professional Reviews
997$Every yearPerfect for those who want more hands-on support- STANDARD PRICE $1,997
- ~separate from signature programs~
- Submit scripts or projects for review
- 52 reviews included - perfect for weekly content
- Receive professional feedback & suggestions
- Video reviews will be timestamped for easy navigation
By signing up, you are agreeing to our automated renewal process. Your form of payment will be charged on the agreed upon dates and will continue until you cancel the plan. You'll be notified 30 days ahead of renewal when choosing any annual plan.
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